Add Assets To Your Fund

As an EBCF fund advisor, there are many ways you can transfer funds into your account. EBCF can accept the following assets:

  • Cash, credit card, or publicly-traded securities can easily be used to add philanthropic resources to a fund
  • Closely held stock, real estate, or other real assets
  • Complex Assets

Please note: Some gift types may require approval from EBCF’s Board of Directors.

Gift Delivery Instructions for Fund Advisors

In order to process your gift, our Finance team must have three pieces of information:

  • Donor information
  • Name of the fund to be credited
  • Details of the gift

Please provide these details by email at or by phone at 510-208-0811.

Payment Methods

All contributions to your fund at EBCF received or postmarked on or before December 31 will be credited to the 2024 tax year. (Please note that if your contribution is made after December 11, you will receive your tax receipt by January 20, 2025.)

Invest Your Funds

As an EBCF fund advisor, you can choose to invest your funds in one of four pools: a cash pool, a short-term pool, intermediate-term pool or a long-term pool. Use the Investment Change form to make recommendations for your investment allocations. Typically, fund advisors do not change their investments often, but when appropriate, EBCF will accommodate these changes on a quarterly basis.

Make a Gift to EBCF

Gifts made directly to East Bay Community Foundation are the best way to make an immediate impact on the present and future of the East Bay. All gifts made to EBCF are tax-deductible (Tax ID/EIN 94-6070996).

All contributions to EBCF received or postmarked on or before December 31 will be credited to the 2024 tax year. (Please note that if your contribution is made after December 11, you will receive your tax receipt by January 20, 2025.)

EBCF fund advisors can also support the Campaign for A Just East Bay with a grant from their Donor-Advised Fund. Please reach out to for support or go to the Give Interactive donor portal (use code CAMP).

Make a Grant Recommendation

Fund advisors can make grant recommendations (which initiate grants to nonprofits) using their Give Interactive donor portal.

Grant recommendations to community organizations need to be made by the end of the business day Wednesday, December 11 to be processed and disbursed before the end of the year. Grant recommendations received after December 11 will be processed and disbursed in January 2025.

Fund and Grantmaking Policies

Fund advisor grant requests at East Bay Community Foundation are governed by our grantmaking and fund policies. These policies ensure that the philanthropic impact of grants made by EBCF align with the values of social justice and racial justice. These policies are periodically updated. All fund advisors should be familiar with these policies.

Learn About EBCF’s Impact

Moving from Darkness to Light: Reflections on the Cusp of a New Year

By Brandi Howard As we approach the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, I am reflecting on the …

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EBCF’s 2024 Impact Report: Celebrating Our Collective Impact

The last four years have been marked by incredible change in our world, including here in the East Bay. Together we have experienced the broad spectrum of aspiration and loss and found comfort and strength in community.

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Advocacy from a Place of Joy to Inspire and Uplift

In our current political climate, the rights and issues we champion face constant resistance, stealing our joy. As believers in equity and justice, we remain steadfast in our advocacy and rarely get a break from the churn of the fight. When asked to dream, so often dream of a world without the oppressive systems that have been harming our communities for centuries.

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