Our vision of an inclusive, fair, and just East Bay is rooted in creating equal opportunities for all. To create a truly inclusive economy, we must shift the flow of capital from an extractive economy towards an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative system that works for all.
We are addressing racial economic inequities in our region through work in three areas.
1. Entrepreneurship & business ownership as pathways to wealth building
Businesses owned by people of color tend to hire people of color, which in turn creates job opportunities and increases economic activity, stability, and wealth creation in communities of color. EBCF supports entrepreneurs of color through the REAL People’s Fund, a $10M community-controlled and democratically governed loan fund investing in businesses owned by people of color with a strong social mission. Within this innovative partnership between community organizations and values-aligned financial institutions, EBCF serves as a local philanthropic anchor, raising and providing grant capital to grassroots organizations who govern the fund.
2. Workers Rights and Protections
Our core grantees include organizations who are leading successful economic justice campaigns to support those hit hardest by COVID-19 and the economic recession: low-wage and essential workers, domestic workers, and formerly incarcerated people.
3. Impact Investing
We are deepening the social impact of our investments by investing directly into Black, Indigenous and people of color-led (BIPOC-led) businesses and funds, facilitating impact investments from Donor Advised Funds, moving resources into community banks and local credit unions, working with values-aligned BIPOC and women financial managers, and expanding our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments.
“For an economy to function well, it should be growing, sustainable, and stable. But it should also be growing for all people–not just creating wealth and financial stability for some but ensuring that every person has equitable opportunities for good jobs, and career paths in order to be free from the worry of meeting basic human needs or financial hardship.”

REAL People’s Fund
The REAL People’s Fund is a $10M community-controlled and democratically governed loan fund investing in businesses owned by people of color with a strong social mission.
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Investment Strategy
Our investment strategy facilitates an ecosystem of collective progress and collaboration in an effort to revolutionize philanthropy and co-create a truly inclusive economy.
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Oakland Small Business Resiliency Fund
East Bay Community Foundation (EBCF) is proud to launch the Oakland Small Business Resiliency Fund, a grant fund supporting diverse …
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Support this Work
Funders and donors are invited to participate in this work. The Inclusive Economy Fund supports grassroots community partners who are building economic power. All contributions have a real and lasting impact and move our community closer to the goal of an inclusive economy in the East Bay.
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Featured News

Creating a New Economic Model that Values Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color
REAL People’s Fund is an innovative $10M community-governed and -led investment fund and entrepreneurship program, that is poised to move over $5M more into the community over the next few years.
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Three Ways to Use Your Donor-Advised Fund Beyond Grantmaking
Learn how you can make loans, loan guarantees, and private equity investments.
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Use a Donor-Advised Fund for Impact Investments
Learn how you can use your DAF to increase access to capital for BIPOC business owners and BIPOC-led community benefit projects.
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